"You are what you eat," so the saying goes. And whether you love to eat or eat to live food is an important, if not the central part of our lives. Nowadays, more than ever, people have access to every kind of food imaginable from around the globe. The growing popularity of multicuisine restaurants where dishes from different countries can be had under one roof, fast food of every kind and even hamburger and hot-dog stands, it is easier than ever to get hold of food.
However easy availability of food gives rise to problems with health, especially Obesity. The problem begins when we want to continue eating the food that we like to eat, even though it may not be very healthy for us. Fried food, meat (especially red meat) that contain high amounts of trans fats, and food high in starches and sugars, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, are a recipe for disaster. Even more so if you consume alcohol daily and are a smoker.
Obesity is reaching pandemic (worldwide) proportions and is affecting both children as well as adults. It leads to other health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiac conditions. In the USA alone eight out of ten people over 25 are overweight, 78% of Americans do not meet the basic activity level recommendations and 25% are completely sedentary. Eighty percent of Type II diabetes, 70% of Cardiovascular disease, 42% of breast and colon cancer, 30% of gall bladder and 26% of high blood pressure illnesses are related to Obesity.
Treatments for Obesity often consist of diet and exercise, behavior (lifestyle) therapy, weight loss drug therapy, and bariatric surgery. Many people, especially if they are already living a sedentary lifestyle, find it difficult to follow any sort of diet or lifestyle change. Factors such as unemployment, and an already existing illness may be contributing factors to this. Surgery is also a costly and often risky alternative. The simplest method available for such people is slimming pills.
Slimming pills and products that are manufactured by genuine companies contain ingredients that are very effective for reducing weight. Much research has been done on various ingredients and their effect on our bodies and many have been clinically proven to aid in slimming. These ingredients, when ingested have the effect of releasing stored fats into the bloodstream and increasing the body metabolism rate to burn these fat cells faster, resulting in weight loss.
Just a few examples of these clinically tested ingredients that are proven to reduce weight are bitter orange peel, green tea extract, caffeine, Vitamin B12, and Bioperene, Other ingredients that aid in fat burning (known as Thermogenesis) include Guarana Extract, L-Carnitine L-Tartrate, Ginger Root, Cayenne Extract (Capsaicin), Biotin, and Raspberry Ketones.
Although these products can work on their own, once a person starts seeing results in the form of more energy and feeling and looking healthier they will feel inspired to do more and lose more weight! So together with a little diet planning and physical exercise a person can achieve phenomenal results and become a new person! (besides adding years to your lifespan).
'Health Is Wealth' is another saying. Ask any millionaire who, although having more than enough money but who is suffering from a serious health condition that greatly reduces the quality of life, and they will tell you that it is very true. Don't put off taking charge of your health. Start today and make a positive impact on your life besides inspiring others to do the same!
So the best way to improve one's life is to improve one's health.
To get started on a slimming plan with the best clinically tested and proven techniques and products, visit http://www.6-packabs.slimming-shop.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_S_Subramania
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