Do you feel like giving up on your quest to reach your ultimate weight goal? Or, maybe you haven't even started yet because you're not quite sure how it will all go? You don't have to be defeated. Hang in there and check out these tips.
First of all, let's get this straight. Weight loss doesn't just happen over night. Expect to put your back into it. You might need several weeks or several months in order to reach your desired goal. We all wish weight loss came in a cute box with a red bow on top, but it doesn't work that way.
Keep your eye on the prize. You'll get discouraged and distracted when you focus on how you didn't get in that final lap at the track, or how your arms burned with the bicep curls. Close your eyes and imagine the day you look down at the scale and see the number you've always dreamed of. Challenges throughout your workouts won't seem so great when you focus on the end result.
When you first start working your muscles and body you're not going to feel very strong. In fact, you might just want to give up on the first day. There's not a great deal of motivation when your back aches or your stomach hurts. But just remember that if you keep at it, you WILL get stronger. The body needs time to change and become better at what you're asking it to do.
Buy a clothing size you want to wear in the future. Have you always wanted that great looking pair of jeans but never could get down to their size? Well, go ahead and purchase them. They'll motivate you to get to your ultimate weight faster and they will give you an image of how you will look if you persevere on your quest.
Let others keep you accountable. It can be difficult to achieve something on your own and alone. And if you give up, the only one who knows is you. But if you're best friend knew you quit, would you be slower in your decision to stop? Tell someone your goals and your desired end result. Then tell them your weaknesses or doubts about your weight loss decision. They'll know where to encourage you and how hard they need to do it. And when you have finally reached your goal there will be someone there to celebrate with. Who really knew how hard it was and what an accomplishment it is!
Good luck on your journey! If you want, take some time to visit my website at
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